
A "correct" time to test your home's water does not exist. Even if it did, it depends on your specific situation and concern levels. If you get water from a public water system, your provider is required to monitor, test, and report water results to ensure it meets National Primary Drinking Water Standards.
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Regularly drinking water has countless benefits but did you know that the temperature of the water you are drinking can add even more positives? In addition to keeping your body hydrated and functioning, drinking hot water has a few more perks. 
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We all know that it is important to drink water but sometimes it is we forgot just how important. We often neglect drinking water as a priority when thinking about a healthy lifestyle. Read about the benefits of drinking water!
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Some people don't like the taste of water - and that is okay! There are numerous ways to make your water taste more flavorful. Most of these ways also have added health benefits. This article will go over some ways to turn water into something fun and tasteful to drink.
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