How to Make Sure You are Drinking Enough Water

drinking enough water

Are You Drinking Enough Water?

It can be hard to drink enough water during the day especially if you are always on the go or have a busy schedule. It can be hard to remember to drink water if you have a lot of things going on. Our guide will give a few examples on how to make sure you are drinking enough water every day. (Be sure to consult your doctor if you are unsure on how much water you need to be drinking daily.)

How to Drink Enough Water Every Day

  • Get a reusable water bottle

Having a water bottle than you can reuse every day is a great way to ensure you always have water at hand. Whether you are moving around in your home or running errands, having accessible water close to you makes drinking water easier.

water bottle
  • Use a timer or reminder on your phone

Using your phone is an excellent way to remind yourself to take a sip of water. Setting a recurring notification or alarm every hour or so will help remind you to stay hydrated.

drink enough water
  • Use a marked water bottle or water jug

If you don't want to use your phone, putting little reminders on your water bottle is another viable option to staying hydrated. Putting markers on how much water should be drank by a certain time will help you drinking the right amount of water. 

  • Drink water with every meal or snack

It is easy to grab a carbonated sugary drink or another beverage when you eat. However, switching that out for water will increase your water intake while decreasing your daily caloric intake.

  • Add natural flavor

Some people find it hard to drink water because the lack of flavor. If you are someone who finds water easier to drink when it has flavor, try adding some naturally!

A common way to add some flavor is to add lemons or cucumbers. Experiment with other fruits, veggies, and spices to see what tastes the best to you. 

water with lemon
  • Associated drinking water with an activity 

A good way to automatically be reminded to drink water is to associated drinking water with a common activity. For example, every time you go to the bathroom or check your phone, take a sip of water.

This idea also works with hobbies. If you are reading a book, try setting a benchmark for drinking water every 10 pages. If you are watching a TV show, every episode or every commercial break is a great cue to remember to hydrate.

  • Reward yourself every time you drink enough water

If you are really struggling with drinking enough water, setting up a reward system may not be a bad idea. Setting and meeting goals and rewarding yourself is a good way to stay motivated.

glass of water
  • Get a water filter

Having a water filter ensures you are drinking the safest and cleanest water possible. Some may have doubts about how clean standard tap water is and are reluctant to constantly buy water bottles. Having a water filter that provides clean drinking water alleviates both these concerns. ZeeTech water filters work perfectly in residential homes. Using BluAct technology, our water filters remove any unwanted and dangerous contaminants.

Use this guide to establish a healthy habit of drinking enough water. Your body needs water to function properly so make sure you are getting enough H20!